Arnoldas Budžys
Department: Blockchain and Quantum Technologies Group
Position: PhD student, Junior Researcher
Field: Informatics
Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius
Doctoral studies
Theme Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods
Supervisor Dr. Viktor Medvedev
Study time 2020 10 01–2024 09 30
Presentations at scientific conferences
Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, March 21, 2023, Vilnius "Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods" (Slides)
Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, September 30, 2022, Vilnius "Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods" (Slides)
Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, March 24, 2022, Vilnius "Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods" (Slides)
Doctoral Conference of Informatics, September 30, 2021, Vilnius "Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods" (Slides)
Doctoral Conference of Informatics, March 26, 2021, Vilnius "Identification of Anomalous Events and Their Prevention in Computer Networks Using Machine Learning Methods" (Slides)