7th International Workshop conference DAMSS 2015 was to be held on December 3-5, 2015 in hotel "Europa Royale", Druskininkai, Lithuania.

Participants of DatAMSS 2015
The event was attended by 121 participants representingall major Lithuanian and foreign universities, private companies carrying out research in the field of informatics. DAMSS 2015 had 8 invited speakers, 12 oral presentations distributed by 4 sessions, 37 poster presentations in a total of 121 participants from 8 countries representing academia, research institutes.
Invited speakers:
- Yurij Kharin “Statistical Analysis of Time Series Based on Incomplete Discrete Data” (Belarusian State University)
- Yaroslav D. Sergeyev “New Computational Technologies in Numerical Analysis” (University of Calabria, Italy)
- Boštjan Brumen “Measuring and Comparing Performances of Classification Algorithms” (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
- Juris Borzovs “A Draft Approach to Quality Evaluation of Terminology Databases” (University of Latvia)
- Ioan Dzitac “From Fuzzy Logic to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence” (Agora University of Oradea, Rumunia)
- Janis Grundspenkis “Concept Maps as Knowledge Assessment Tool: pro and cons” (Riga Technical University)
- Ignacy Kaliszewski “Multiple Criteria Decision Making decision making support in a quest for a universal toolbox” (Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Here you will find the program and presentation abstracts of workshop 2015.