Past events
EWGSO plans for 2022:
In 2022 we have organised, supported and promoted the following events:
  • - 3rd Euro Conference on Stochastic Optimization and 17th International Conference on Computational Management Science, June 29 - July 1, 2022, Venice, Italy, organized by Diana Barroand Martina Nardon. EWGSO will support the Best student paper prize.
  • - EURO 2022, 32h European Conference on Operational Research, July 3rd- 6th, 2022, Espoo, Finland. A special streamon Stochastic and Robust optimization is organized by Francesca Maggioni, Milos Kopa and Antonio Alonso Ayuso.
  •  ** Copenhagen PhDSchool of Stochastic Programming, April 4th - 8th, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark organized by Giovanni Pantuso and Trine Boomsma
  • Workshop "Robustness and Resilience in Stochastic Optimization and Statistical Learning: Mathematical Foundations”, Erice, Italy, May 19-25,2022, organized by Laurent El Ghaoui, Alejandro Jofre, Francesca Maggioni, Johannes O. Royset
In 2023 we have supported and promoted the following events: