Future events
EWGSO plans for 2024:
In 2024 we organise, support and promote the following events:
  • https://ecso-cms2024.blogs.dsv.su.se/ - European Conference on Stochastic Optimization and Computational Management Science (ECSO-CMS 2024) July 4 - 5, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, organized by Afzal S. Siddiqui . EWGSO will support the conference and the Best student paper prize.
  • https://euro2024cph.dk/ - EURO 2024, 33h European Conference on Operational Research, June 30 - July 3rd, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. A special stream on Stochastic, Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization is organized by Francesca Maggioni and Milos Kopa.
  • https://www.math.ku.dk/english/calendar/events/cssp_2/ - Second Copenhagen PhDSchool of Stochastic Programming, June 25th - 28th, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark organized by Giovanni Pantuso and Trine Boomsma.
  •  https://esi2024.unibg.it/ -  EURO Summer Institute "Decision-making under uncertainty for commodities and financial markets" 15-25 September 2024, Ischia (Naples) Italy organized in collaboration of the EWGFCM (chairs Francesca Maggioni and Rita D'Ecclesia).